Sweeping sunrise
48” x 36”
Collaged Fabric
April 29: Today I woke up at sunrise, the sky sweeping with pinks and oranges. It’s quiet. Individual bird songs can be heard, and I am suddenly awash with humility. Thinking about our human use of this planet, I find myself hyper aware of the fact that it would only take a mere pandemic to wipe ourselves out as a species. Once gone, or at least depleted to irrelevance, if we were to be stupid enough to choke the world up again, pollute and lay waste as we are known to do, in the end it really wouldn’t matter because as we have discovered … earth will happily go on without us. To nature we are a mere disrupter. So I ask us all to recall that while we might have supposedly “inherited the earth”, PEOPLE are known to lose fortunes all the time — let’s not lose ours again!
48” x 36”
Collaged Fabric
April 29: Today I woke up at sunrise, the sky sweeping with pinks and oranges. It’s quiet. Individual bird songs can be heard, and I am suddenly awash with humility. Thinking about our human use of this planet, I find myself hyper aware of the fact that it would only take a mere pandemic to wipe ourselves out as a species. Once gone, or at least depleted to irrelevance, if we were to be stupid enough to choke the world up again, pollute and lay waste as we are known to do, in the end it really wouldn’t matter because as we have discovered … earth will happily go on without us. To nature we are a mere disrupter. So I ask us all to recall that while we might have supposedly “inherited the earth”, PEOPLE are known to lose fortunes all the time — let’s not lose ours again!
48” x 36”
Collaged Fabric
April 29: Today I woke up at sunrise, the sky sweeping with pinks and oranges. It’s quiet. Individual bird songs can be heard, and I am suddenly awash with humility. Thinking about our human use of this planet, I find myself hyper aware of the fact that it would only take a mere pandemic to wipe ourselves out as a species. Once gone, or at least depleted to irrelevance, if we were to be stupid enough to choke the world up again, pollute and lay waste as we are known to do, in the end it really wouldn’t matter because as we have discovered … earth will happily go on without us. To nature we are a mere disrupter. So I ask us all to recall that while we might have supposedly “inherited the earth”, PEOPLE are known to lose fortunes all the time — let’s not lose ours again!